Best Pork Food in Medan

Panggang B2

Panggang B2

When in Medan, I usually go to Ola Kisat if I want to eat pork food, especially Babi Panggang Karo (BPK).

But then, lots of people said that there’s a place that offer a better BPK than Ola Kisat, the place is Tesalonika.

So two weeks ago, I decided to give it a try. The pork meat there usually ordered in a KG (kilogram)-based. I bought 1/2 kg of BPK for Rp. 19.000,- plus Rp. 3.000,- for the Rice, Soup, and Vegetables.

And it’s true that, the taste is much more delicious than in Ola Kisat. Of course, this is my personal preference.

So for the next time, I’ll change my prefered place to Tesalonika.

14 thoughts on “Best Pork Food in Medan

  1. Jay

    BPK victim……
    I agree with you, Haleluya……..I’ll come………….
    Jadi pengen makan BPK …..

  2. anakdel

    wow…jadi laper liat gambar panggangnya.
    Ngebab…??? Walah… I like it very much.

    Btw, dalam menyambut HUT RI, kan kudu nunjukin rasa Nasionalisme.
    Salah satunya dgn bangga berhasa Indonesia.
    So..sesekali postinganya pake Bahasa Indonesia dong om. Biar kita gak capek2 bgt buka-tutup transtool,hehehe.

    keep posting ya pak’.

  3. gandhim Post author

    Mungkin itu salah satu penyebab kebuncitan 🙂 Sudah saatnya dikurangi, kalau sudah menipis persediaan lemak, baru diisi lagi.

    Ok deh, beberapa post selanjutnya saya buat dalam bahasa nasional kita.


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